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2023-12-02 :: SHIPPING INFO:  When ordering, please keep in mind this time of year shipping slows down due to volume and inclement weather. To be safe, allow 14 business days for domestic shipping, and 20 business days for international shipping.TEACHING:Want to teach Discover Your ...
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Discover Your Gifts

21209 Jefferson Beach Rd NE

Kingston, WA 98346

Toll Free:   1 (877) GIFTS-R-US
1 (877) 443-8778
Local:    (360) 908-4327



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Home Study Course: Certified Teacher Training - 2 People


Home Study Course: Certified Teacher Training - 1 Person


Youth Gifts Questionnaire (ages 13-18)


Manifestation Gifts Tests

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Flowing in the Gifts Seminar Workbook

Based on I Corinthians 12:7-10, this practical workbook developed by Don and Katie Fortune gives a biblical perspective on each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned by the apostle Paul: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, various kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. It is designed to be used by participants being taught about these spiritual gifts. Biblical examples are given for each gift.

40 pages

$ 7.00